Summer School "Social connections and well-being in the digital era"

foto di villa Grumello

Villa Grumello – Como Lake

We are pleased to announce the summer school on Social connections and well-being in the digital era. It will take place in presence on Lake Como (Italy) from 23 to 27 August 2021.

The Summer School aims at offering an overview of the most cutting-edge psychological theories and research on the social impacts of digital technologies. The impacts of various platforms and devices will be considered, including already widespread (e.g., smartphones, social media) and frontier ones (e.g., social chatbots, social robots, and virtual reality). Four primary focuses will be discussed:

  • social connections in the digital era (day 1)
  • connecting and interacting with social robots (day 2)
  • exploring the social dimension in technology-enhanced learning processes (day 3)
  • and digital interventions to foster well-being (day 4)

For more details on the program and the list of speakers, visit the school’s homepage

Contact us

To inquire about logistics issues (e.g., travel arrangements, accommodation options), please contact

To inquire about the scientific program, please contact
