Seminario MIBTEC

Giulio Sandini, Robotics, Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia – Genova, Italy

Anthropomorphic Robots and Humane Interaction

Since the first “modern” humanoid robot built at Waseda University in the ’70, research based on the use of robots with anthropomorphic shape has expanded enormously by contributing to and exploiting the advancements of “general robots” technologies. Today the sensory and motor abilities of robots are approaching those of humans and creating the impression that robots in different forms and shapes (e.g. autonomous cars) and controlled through cloud computing, will become ubiquitous in the future entering our everyday life. Among the many questions raised by this futuristic view it is worth asking if anthropomorphism has and added value in advancing robotics toward the science fiction world described by Asimov where humans and robots co-exist and collaborate in a humane way.  Is the hypothetical added value limited to implementing solutions to facilitate robot’s physical interaction with a human-centric world (such as robot hands to use tools or legs to climb stairs) or there are major missing ingredients and relevant scientific questions that anthropomorphic robots can help us identify and develop? 


During the talk I will argue that, besides the “explicit anthropomorphism” captured by the robot’s physical shape, the implementation of the humane social interaction described in Asimov’s world, must address, irrespective of the outside appearance of the robot’s body, a  “hidden anthropomorphism” embedded in the way humans move and interact. This effort, besides advancing the technology of the “explicit robot”, can serve a unique role in advancing the knowledge of the “hidden robot” by joining forces with the communities studying the cognitive aspects of our being humans.


Giovedì 17 maggio 2018, ore 11.30

Sala Lauree del Dipartimento di Psicologia, U6 (3° piano)

Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.

Per informazioni:

Prof.ssa Emanuela Bricolo
