Ciclo di Seminari del Dipartimento di Psicologia

Frank Yeomans, MD, PhD, Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Weill Medical College of Cornell University; Lecturer, Columbia University Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research; Director, Personality Studies Institute; Director, ISTFP Traini

Recent advances in Transference-Focused Psychotherapy and Applied Transference-Focused Psychotherapy

This seminar will focus on the recent developments in the practice of Transference Focused Psychotherapy (TFP), an empirically supported psychotherapy for severe personality disorders based on the object-relations model of personality pathology. Although TFP was originally conceived as a twice-a-week individual psychotherapy, raising concerns about its broader dissemination, over the last years several contributions proposed to apply TFP or TFP principles outside this standard setting, in order to widen its scope and extend its beneficial effects to an increasing number of patient populations (i.e., “Applied TFP”). For instance, TFP setting can be modified to a once-a-week format for patients seeking psychiatric treatment within the European National Health Systems. TFP has also be adapted to inpatient or day-hospital settings, and has recently been successfully modified for the whole range of personality pathology. Finally, within the Italian context of care there are now emerging efforts to structure a TFP-oriented treatment approach for severe personality disorders that can be delivered both by inpatient psychiatric units and by community-based outpatient mental health teams. The clinical and theoretical implications of these new advances in TFP practice will be discussed.


Introduction: Fabio Madeddu

Case presentations: Sergio Dazzi, Chiara De Panfilis



Venerdì 5 ottobre 2018, ore 09.00

Sala Lauree del Dipartimento di Psicologia, U6 (3° piano)

Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.

Per informazioni:

Prof. Fabio Madeddu
