Ciclo di Seminari del Dipartimento di Psicologia

Prof. Pedro Montoya, Full Professor of Biological Psychology at the Research Institute of Health Sciences (IUNICS), University of Balearic Islands

Brain activity elicited by affective processing is altered in fibromyalgia

Clinical and experimental research indicates that patients with fibromyalgia have enhanced somatic pain sensitivity, together with abnormal activation of pain-related brain regions. Psychophysical and neurophysiological studies further suggest the existence of specific disturbances in affective and cognitive processing and indicate that affective mood can modulate central nervous excitability thresholds without conscious cognitive processing in these patients. All these findings point toward the importance of considering a biopsychosocial model, integrating affective, cognitive, and social factors, to understand the brain mechanisms involved in the origin and maintenance of chronic widespread pain. The present work will review some data about abnormalities in brain information processing associated with the maintenance of pain over time in patients with fibromyalgia and will discuss new ideas about the implementation of such knowledge for the management of persistent chronic pain.


Lunedì 25 marzo 2019, ore 14.30

Aula U7/17

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Per informazioni:

Dott.ssa Leonor J. Romero Lauro
