Friday, 27 September
Building Tellus U4-8 Aula Sironi
Piazza della Scienza, 4, Milan
The Kanizsa Lecture is a public event traditionally organised by the University of Trieste in memory of Gaetano Kanizsa, founder of the Trieste school of experimental psychology and student of Cesare Musatti.
It will take place on 27th September 2024 and it is organized in collaboration with the Department of Psychology of the University of Milano-Bicocca within the framework of the 23rd Scientific Conference of the Society for Gestalt Theory and its Applications (25-27 Sept).
The following events are free and open to the public on 27 September in the Aula Sironi, building Tellus, U4-8:
- 9.30-12.30 Workshop "Elucidation", keynote speakers Michael Kubovy (University of Virginia) and Achille Varzi (Columbia University). Access without prior accreditation
- 16:00-18:00 32nd Kanizsa Lecture "On Owning a Border" by Achille Varzi, Professor of Philosophy at Columbia University in New York. Pre-accreditation via Google Form ► Please register here
University of Milano-Bicocca
Mauro Antonelli
Rossana Actis Grosso
Daniele Zavagno
University of Trieste
Walter Gerbino
Tiziano Agostini
Paolo Bernardis
Carlo Fantoni