Psychological Counselling Centre

As part of its Third Mission activities, the Department of Psychology has launched a Psychological Counselling Centre since February 2021, in cooperation with the Department of Human Sciences for Education.

The Psychological Counselling Centre offers health services in the fields of psychology, neuropsychology and psychotherapy, and is aimed at users inside and outside the University (individuals, couples, families and groups). Professionals who need clinical supervision on concrete case histories relating to their own patients may also apply to the service.

Services are always provided by professionals affiliated with the department (professors and researchers), with the aim of offering qualified and highly specialized support at set rates.

Active services:

Head: Prof. Roberta Daini

The service is dedicated to the evaluation and assessment of adult individuals with neuropsychological deficits of various nature and origin. An individual neuropsychological assessment is offered with related report writing and a rehabilitation program.

Head: Prof. Antonio Prunas

The service is aimed at the diagnosis and treatment of sexual dysfunctions in men and women, and problems of a sexual nature in individuals (adolescent, adult, elderly) and couples.

Tests and structured interviews are used for psychological assessment, if necessary. In the case of clinically significant dysfunctions or problems, integrated sexual task therapies and individual, couple or family psychological therapy are offered, depending on the specific issues raised.

The service also caters to LGBTQIA+ people seeking psychological support, counselling, and psychotherapy (intersex, asexual, bisexual, gay and lesbian users, as well as those with non-monogamous forms of relationship). The area of particular specialization is psychological counselling and psychotherapy aimed at transgender and gender nonconforming (non-binary, agender, gender-queer, gender-fluid, and gender-questioning) persons of any age group, including (but not limited to) in relation to the initiation of gender affirmative medical and/or surgical pathways.

Finally, clinical supervision and expert activities are offered.

Head: Prof. Maria Elena Magrin

The service is dedicated to the psychological support of people or systems of people (e.g., couples, parents, caregivers) engaged in coping with particular critical issues and/or life transitions that may involve situations of high stress and burnout.  Interventions are geared toward enhancing and recovering resources that can be used to cope with various conditions of crisis and fatigue.

Elective areas of intervention include:

Work-related: the intervention is aimed at those going through work-related stress issues and difficulties relating to phases of departure from work contexts – dismissal, contract termination, retirement – or the failure of entrepreneurial projects;

Family-related: the intervention is aimed at individuals involved in supporting other family members who are experiencing difficulties due to work, health, or relationship crises;

Legal: the service proposes interventions specifically aimed at people directly or indirectly involved in conflict situations under the judicial system: guidance and support for people, with or without children, undergoing separation; guidance and support for people undergoing recognition of biological/psychological damage; guidance and support for parents of minors involved in criminal proceedings. Supervision for psycho-legal intervention activities is also offered in this area, as well as expert witness work.

The Psychological Counselling Centre is located in building U16, 8 Via Thomas Mann (entrance from Via Giolli), Milan.

The site can be easily reached by Metro LINE 5 (‘Ponale’ stop).


To see a list of professionals and services, make an appointment or request information, visit the centre’s page on the University website.

The healthcare services provided by the Centre

  • are not affiliated with the  Italian National Health Service;
  • are exempt from VAT, pursuant to Art. 10, no. 18) of Presidential Decree no. 633/1972;
  • offer the option of IRPEF deductions.