
Within the framework of the Erasmus for Study Programme (IT), a call for applications is addressed to students of the Department of Psychology of the University of Milan-Bicocca who wish to undertake a mobility period in Europe. Students will be able to spend a minimum of 3 months and a maximum of 12 months at a foreign university with which the Department has signed a specific bilateral Erasmus agreement, in order to carry out study activities equivalent to those of their degree course. The programme is open to undergraduate, masters and doctoral students (depending on the location, as indicated on the International Mobility website).

Access to the mobility period abroad through the LLP Erasmus programme requires participation in an admission call for a specific academic year. The Erasmus Committee of the Department of Psychology will assess the student on the basis of language proficiency, motivation during an oral interview, and academic record. The committee ranks the students and assigns the destination to the students admitted to the Erasmus programme. Each student completes a study plan (Learning Agreement) with the help of a tutor (a member of the department's Erasmus Commission).  The tutor supervises the admitted students throughout the period (before, during and after their stay) with regard to academic aspects, while the University's International Mobility Office assists them with the paperwork related to their departure and stay abroad.

Mobility students are considered to be enrolled at the host foreign university, which does not charge them any fees or contributions (for attendance, exam registration, enrolment, use of laboratories and libraries, etc.), except for a possible contribution to secretarial or insurance costs. Students must, however, continue to pay fees to the University of Milan - Bicocca for the academic year during which they are studying abroad.

Other programmes are also available:

The Erasmus Traineeship Programme (IT) provides grants to students for placements in universities, companies or training and research centres in one of the countries participating in the Erasmus programme. Placements may also be in the public or private sector. Mobility can last from 2 to 12 months.
The Extra-EU University EXCHANGE Programme (IT). It is aimed at students wishing to undertake training/placements in public and private organisations, in university and non-university laboratories, for the preparation of theses in higher education institutions, research centres and non-EU NGOs. Mobility is for a period of 1 to 6 months.

Mobility Coordinator of the Department of Psychology: Prof. Silvia Mari