Doctoral Programmes

Doctoral Programme in Psychology, Linguistics, and Cognitive Neuroscience

Director: Prof. Simona Sacchi
Deputy Director: Prof. Simone Sulpizio


The doctoral programme aims to provide training in basic and applied scientific research in the fields of Psychology, Linguistics, and Cognitive Neuroscience. It prepares doctoral candidates for the study of individual, social, and pathological behaviour over the entire lifespan.

It comprises two curricula:

Curriculum - Mind, brain, and behaviour

This curriculum aims to train highly qualified scholars who can carry out theoretical and applied research at the national and international levels in fields related to the study of perception, attention, cognition, language, motivation, and emotion, in addition to psychological and neuropsychological measurements, during all phases of the lifespan.

This curriculum will develop skills:

– in terms of methodology, with particular reference to experimental methods, psychophysics, and psychometrics, which can be applied in terms of ergonomics and in the organization of research, including in fields not strictly related to psychology or academia, such as complex organizations or enterprises;

– in the fields of language science and psychology of development, which can be applied in professional activities related to written and oral communications regarding schools, and childhood issues;

– in the neuropsychological field, with regards to behavioural disorders caused by brain lesions or dysfunctions over the various phases of the lifespan, and to neuroimaging and cognitive electrophysiology that can be applied in the diagnosis and rehabilitation sectors.

Curriculum - Social, cognitive, and clinical psychology

This curriculum will develop skills:

– in the social, cognitive, and organizational sectors, which can be applied in the corporate sector or in complex organizations and communities to manage communications, change processes, decision-making strategies, and personnel training;

– in combination with clinical skills, they can be applied in both the health care and corporate sectors to deal with issues of well-being, health, and safety for both individuals and groups;

– in the clinical sector, these skills can be applied in the health care field or in schools to prevent, identify, and evaluate risk and protection factors throughout the lifespan in order to plan activities in the various intervention sectors and build diagnostic models that are tailored for modern needs.