MIBTEC: Mind and Behavior Technological Center

Visit the official website of the MIBTEC research centre, where you can find updates, seminars, thesis proposals, internships and ongoing projects.
About us
Mibtec is a research centre that was established in 2018 by a ministerial grant as part of the ‘Departments of Excellence’ project. Our facility consists of a space with multiple laboratories that permit the development of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) paradigms with different levels of complexity (via full immersion CAVE portable visors, i.e. fully immersive virtual reality environments). The centre aims to study various aspects of human behaviour within environments that simulate real-life contexts, including work, play, emergency, and health, but are modifiable in a controlled manner. MibTec also aims to scientifically analyse human factors related to human-machine interaction.
The MiBTec Centre therefore aims to be a centre of excellence for the development and application of psychological knowledge, with a particular emphasis on the innovative use of advanced technologies and the transfer of knowledge acquired through basic and applied research to foster their consequent impact on the socio-economic context, with particular regard to the development of Industry 4.0.
Activities aimed at the pursuit of the centre’s goals are also carried out in cooperation with national and international public and private entities and with national and international scientific associations with overlapping interests.
Mibtec comprises a number of students, researchers and professors from the Department of Psychology at the University of Milan Bicocca, with backgrounds in the fields of: social and economic behaviour, sense-motor learning, attentional and perceptual processes, neural bases of behaviour, cognitive ergonomics, psycholinguistics, computer science, engineering, design and technological development.
MibTec is also open to external academic and industrial affiliations with expertise in the centre’s various fields of interest (e.g. automation, human-robot interaction, product design, marketing, etc.).
Scientific Director: Prof. Alberto Gallace,
- To develop new avenues of scientific research in the field of human-factor interaction with AR/VR technologies
- To acquire private funding for the development of products, technologies and sales strategies where the human variable is critical;
- To promote and support the acquisition of research funds by its members through participation in national and international competitive tenders;
- To provide consultancy services to public and private organisations;
- To organise training activities for the dissemination of applied psychological knowledge also developed through the project (e.g. workshops and summer schools);
- To implement targeted communication and dissemination activities that ensure visibility among stakeholders, decision-makers and funding bodies;
- To generate revenue from the development and dissemination of patents resulting from the industrial application of the knowledge developed;
- To facilitate and support the creation of technology start-ups.
Activities and services
- Consultancy on human factor aspects in the development of AR, VR, mixed reality and human-computer interaction systems.
- Experimentation on cognitive, emotional, sensory, social, linguistic and cultural variables in real or simulated human-machine interactions.
- 2 full-immersion caves 4 walls 2.5x2.5m + workstations (September 2019)
- Oculus Rift Touch
- Leap motion
- Arduino board
- Omen Hp desktop workstations
- 4 dedicated laboratories
MIBTEC Research Centre
Official website: www.mibtec.it
Piazza dell’Ateneo Nuovo 1- 20126 MILAN
Email: mibtec@unimib.it