Ciclo di Seminari del Dipartimento di Psicologia, a.a. 2017/2018

Enea Francesco Pavone, PhD, Fondazione Santa Lucia IRCSS, Rome and Braintrends ltd, Rome

The importance of immersive virtual environment for the embodiment cognition in cognitive and applied neurosciences

The comprehension of the person's perception, cognition and consciousness, during the natural interaction with the ambient is yet a big challenge for cognitive psychology and neuroscience. Traditional cognitive science considers mind as abstract cognitive processing, separate from bodily mechanisms of sensory processing and motor control. This view of cognition is mainly exemplified from studies within artificial intelligence. Recently, a growing number of scientific studies, designed in the light of the new “Embodiment cognition approach”, highlight the importance to investigate the consciousness to have a body and to interact with the environment through its action. In classic cognitive experimental paradigms, the natural interaction with the environment is often reduced in text-, graphic- or computer-based abstractions of real-world. Such an approach has the advantage of highly controlled experimental settings, but with contextually impoverished stimuli. Here, the crucial aspects of the embodiment cognition (i.e., Ownership, the feeling that a real or an artificial agent is part of our body; Agency, the feeling that we are responsible of its movement; and Sense of Presence, the sense of being physically in a place) will be discussed in a series of behavioral and electrophysiological studies carried out in immersive virtual environment in the field of cognitive and applied neurosciences.


Lunedì 4 dicembre 2017, ore 14.30

Sala Lauree del Dipartimento di Psicologia, U6 (3° piano)

Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.

Per informazioni:

Prof.ssa Paola Ricciardelli
