Can we use technology to boost employee well being?

I part: Workshop-seminar: app-based actionplanning

Michael Munch-Hansen, Cofounder at DoBetter, Region Midtjylland, Danmark


Denmark has a long tradition of using dialogue-based collaborative action planning in improving
the working environment and health & safety.
Is it possible to modernise and re-event this tradition in a digital world? Or will the digital methods
transform the human dialogue into individual isolated screen-interaction?
Michael Munch-Hansen is a Danish business psychologist who in the past 25 years has worked with
dialogue-based, participatory collaborative action planning. For a number of times he has
contributed as a methods/tools-developer, lecturer and consultant for the Danish National Research
Center for the working environment (www.nfa.dk). In collaboration with an other danish business
psychologist Lasse Ljungholm he has developed the DoBetter-metthods.
In the seminar the keypoints of this approach is presented.
Before the seminar the participants is send on a "Photo-Safari" with the task of taking a
smartphone-photography of one positive and one negative element of their personal work
environment. On the seminar the participants will work in small groups with their own photoes in
the 6-phased DoBetter-method.
Finally a danish digital app-version of the Dobetter-method will be presented and translated.


II part: Augmented Psychology through Virtual Reality to promote Sustainable

Eleonora Saladino, Sviluppo e Formazione Corporate, Become S.r.l.


A 3-steps programme modulated to provide innovative Augmented Psychology protocols and
Virtual Reality tools for (1) stress management,  (2) work in progress and (3) self awareness:
strengthening individual abilities, from soft skills to self-efficacy and self-motivation.

Message from the speaker:

Foto-SAFARI before the seminar

Dear participants in the DoBetter-seminar on Monday, December 16th.
During the seminar, the participants will work actively with the DoBetter-methods with their personal occupational health and safety-situation.
For that purpose I will ask you to to take two photographs on your tablet or smartphone before we meet:
1 photo of something in your personal work-environment (physical or psycho-social) that you find positive
1 photo of something in your personal work-environment (physical or psycho-social) that you find negative
-The photo does not need to be self-explaining, descriptive or aesthetically beautiful.
-You shall be prepared to talk about the photo with others at the seminar
-Take a paper-print of the photo and bring to the seminar (if not possible: bring your tablet/smartphone)


I am looking really forward to see you and to present some of my ideas and tools.
See you in a week time,
Michael Munch-Hansen


Monday 16th Dec 2019, h10.00 am

Sala Lauree di Giurisprudenza, U6 building (2nd floor)

Free entry


Dott.ssa Silvia Simbula
