Ciclo di Seminari del Dipartimento di Psicologia

Dr. Ruth S. Contreras Espinosa, Facultat d'Empresa i Comunicació Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya, Vic; School of New Interactive Technologies (ENTI-UB)

How do teens learn to play video games? Informal learning strategies and video game literacy


In most cases teens do not learn to play video games at school or with their parents, so it is necessary to map and analyse these informal learning strategies (ILS). The aims of the research was to identify the main ILS that teens apply as they acquire and improve their video game literacy, and to develop a series of categories for analysing and classifying the informal learning experiences. After briefly outlining the situation of ILS and teens’ transmedia skills, in the context of a general reflection on transmedia literacy (TL), the methodological aspects of research and fieldwork in Spain and other European countries. A taxonomy of ILS related to video game practices is also presented. The research team identified six modalities of ILS (learning by doing, problem solving, imitation, playing, evaluation and teaching) and expanded them with four main categories (subject, time, space and relationships) that contain a series of oppositions.



Lunedì 1 Luglio 2019, ore 14.30

Sala Lauree del Dipartimento di Psicologia, U6 (3° piano)

Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.

Per informazioni:

Prof.ssa Rossana Actis Grosso
