Specialisation Schools

Advanced Specialization Schools in Psychology, pursuant to the Ministerial Decree of 24 July 2006, make it possible for their graduates to register as psychotherapists in the Professional Order of Psychologists. Additionally, in accordance with existing laws, they allow them to participate in public competitions for psychology and psychotherapy director posts.

Public Advanced Specialization Schools have five-year degree courses and acceptance is through a public competition that includes an examination and evaluation of CV. As with other university courses, Advanced Specialization Schools require the payment of an enrolment tax; in some cases, scholarships are available.

The Department of Psychology has two Advanced Specialization Schools; applicants must have passed the State Examination and be registered in the Professional Order of Psychologists:

Advanced Specialization School in Neuropsychology

The School aims to train specialists in Neuropsychology with in-depth theoretical, scientific, and professional knowledge in the fields of cognitive, emotional, and motivational disorders associated with nervous system lesions or dysfunctions at various stages of the lifespan (childhood, adulthood, and old age), with a particular focus on behavioural diagnosis through psychometric testing, cognitive and behavioural rehabilitation, the monitoring of the evolution of these disorders over time, and interdisciplinary sub-specialized aspects such as forensic psychology.

Advanced Specialization School in Lifespan Psychology

Specialists in Lifespan Psychology must have solid theoretical, scientific, and professional knowledge in the field of Developmental Psychology with an eye towards covering the entire lifespan, and in the field of Dynamic and Clinical Psychologies for interventions at the level of the individual, the couple, the family, and the group, for behavioural, cognitive, and affective issues.