Advanced Specialization School in Lifespan Psychology

Scuola di Specializzazione in Psicologia del Ciclo di Vita

Director: Prof. Fabio Madeddu

Specialists in Lifespan Psychology must possess the required theoretical, scientific, and professional skills in the field of Developmental Psychology  with an eye towards covering the entire lifespan, and in the field of Dynamic and Clinical Psychologies for interventions at the level of the individual, the couple, the family, and the group, for behavioural, cognitive, and affective issues.

More specifically, they must have the requisite knowledge and experience to perform and coordinate the following activities: identify adaptation indices and risk factors concerning both developmental crises at the family and individual levels and emergencies; assess and diagnose pathologies through psychometric tests, interviews, and questionnaires analyze the quantitative results of these evaluations through descriptive and inferential statistics and using information technology; plan, carry out, and evaluate the results of preventive, support, counselling, and psychotherapeutic activities to protect and restore the psychic health and well-being of individuals, couples and families, including with regards to health care, educational, and legal facilities and institutions.

Presentation of the school